●What we do
Japan depends upon imports for almost all its metal resources that are subject to various supply disruptions such as sharp increase in prices, difficulties in establishing projects in specific areas and commodities, and monopolizations by major international companies.
Therefore, securing a stable supply of mineral resources is an essential issue for Japan in order to attain sustainable development of the national economy and society.
Our organization, the Japan Mining Engineering & Training Center (JMEC), was founded in 1976 as a nonprofit organization, in order to promote the stable supply of mineral resources, based on the effective cooperation between governmental authorities and private mining companies.
JMEC was reorganized in July of 1991 to extend its activities to technical cooperation and support of the metal mining activities for the mutual benefits between resource supplier countries and Japan.
JMEC executes concrete activities such as capacity building for personnel related to mining, international project finding for mining development and geological surveys for mineral resources. Moreover, in 2013 JMEC was merged with MINETEC (Internal Institute for Mining Technology) that is a unique organization to conduct personnel training specialized in mineral resources development in Japan.
Through its activity, JMEC would like to contribute to the reinforcement of international relationships between supplier countries and Japan and to the prosperity of mining industries all over the world.
In order to achieve these main objectives, we appreciate your sincere support and encouragement.
精興竹橋共同ビル 4階
TEL: 03-6275-0731
E-mail: kokusai■jmec.or.jp