
JMEC: Japan Mining Engineering & Training Center

   Branch Office: MINETEC (International Institute for Mining Technology, JMEC)


■Chair Person

YAMADA Masao (also Chairman and Representative Director of Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd.)

[since 21st June, 2018]



GOTO Keiichi

[since 8th June, 2017]


■Main Goals

One of the main goals of JMEC is to cooperate and support the mining development in foreign countries to achieve the stable supply of mineral resources, through the promotion of the exploration projects of JOGMEC. Another main goal is to conduct personnel training and capacity building in the field of mineral resources development.


■JMEC Functions

1. Acquisition, analysis and publication of data on supply, demand and price of metallic mineral commodities.

2. Regional geological survey for mineral resources.

3. Project finding for mining development under international cooperation.

4. Personal training for mining development and remote sensing & GIS.

5. Collection on rare metal inventory data for private stockpiling and research on supply and demand of eight rare metals.

6. Additional works and analyses related to the above functions.



In order to achieve these objectives, JMEC continues to update the latest information about current exploration and development activities in foreign countries together with the social and legal situation of the area.


In addition to these, JMEC exchanges views with the Japanese mining companies and proposes regional geological surveys for nonferrous metallic mineral resources as an activity of ODA, which is funded by the Japanese government and administrated by JOGMEC. Geological survey teams of JMEC execute the field surveys with satellite image analyses and publish the reports on these synthetic results.


JMEC also conducts several training courses related to mining such as advanced methods for geological surveys, remote sensing, mining development, and smelting and recycling for the members of Japanese companies. It also provides capacity building courses for engineers and geologists from developing countries including environmental measures and mine development, remote sensing, and exploration as the commission from JICA.



The history of our organization starts in 1976 when the Japanese government and association of private mining companies founded the Metallic Mineral Products Stockpiling Center.

In 1991, it was reorganized as the Japan Mining Engineering Center for International Cooperation (JMEC) by adding mining development and regional geological surveys for mineral resources under the framework of international cooperation.


Since then, JMEC has been entrusted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Cooperation (JOGMEC) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with various projects to promote the development of mineral resources in developing countries in the scheme of the technical cooperation of Official Development Assistance (ODA). JMEC has executed technical cooperation projects and various investigations as well as regional geological surveys including satellite image analysis in more than sixty countries.


In 2004, the ODA scheme for mineral resources was strengthened to promote new exploration/development projects that incorporate Japanese mining companies. Consequently, the ODA scheme survey of JMEC has also been changed to more strategic projects to meet the goal.


In 2008, JMEC started to research and analyze data on rare metal inventory for stockpiling.


In 2011, in order to reinforce capacity building for mineral resources development, JMEC set up the Research and Training Department, and has started a training project.


In 2013, in order to intensify the capability of training for mineral resources development, JMEC was merged with MINETEC (International Institute for Mining Technology) that is an organization conducting personnel training that is specialized in mineral resources development in Japan.